Olivia (14 ani) si Max (12 ani) construind prima lor cusca

olivia-max-38Olivia Lowe (14 ani) si fratele ei mai mic, Max (12 ani) din Statele Unite, ajutati de tatal lor si-au construit o cusca si mi-au trimis niste fotografii pe care le postez cu drag – este o placere sa vezi asa ceva, sunt niste poze care te bucura.
Vizionare placuta!

Fotografii trimise de Todd Lowe (un tata mandru)

Initial au fost trimise pentru alt proiect al meu in limba engleza dar m-am gandit sa le postez si aici pentru ca merita. Ar fi frumos daca cei ce cunosc limba engleza ar scrie comentarii in engleza.

32 comentarii la “Olivia (14 ani) si Max (12 ani) construind prima lor cusca”

  1. First of all i must congratulate the youngs for their pasion , is nice thing to see , and also i notice not only father ans sons also granfather ( i supose) is taking part of the built. One question where is located the pigeon cage, look like is near a road through a forest or something like this.

  2. wonderfull!!! i like this children,for their hoby. good luck in the 2013 ,and MERY CHRISTMAS!!!

  3. the cage is awsome,congratulation for your work.i am surprised what they did,good luck with pigeons.wind in feathers!

  4. pacat de cusca ca e bine facuta dar locul e ingozitor de rau intre copacii aia , ii ia uliul cat ai zice soim . Si ce fasneata e aia mica eu nu stiu sa tin un pendular in mana bartai omu batran si ea da gauri , taie la circularu ala,bate cuie, traseaza, vopseste , super tari amundoi copii

  5. I was really impressed by the stylish loft you built and inspired to try to build my own lofts and accessories without having someone to do it for me like I always had. I just hope I won’t lose all my fingers in the process. Great work. I hope to see you in pigeon races too. Good luck!

    @Romani: bai fratilor, nu pot sa nu remarc ce finisaje rafinate pot sa aiba la toate materialele si cat de bine arata chiar si scandurile brute de lemn… eu cand cumpar lemn de aici, arata de parca ar fi deseuri.

  6. Frumoasa voliera. Da vreau sa imi spuneti la ce pret ii la noi plasa care se pune jos , ma gandesc la una lunga de 4m si lata de 2m.

  7. Congratulations for your work! It is a wonderful place for your pigeons. I see in your eyes that you love them very much.
    I am sure that, one day, your birds will reward you in some way…
    P.S. this is America, this is the world I love…!

  8. particularly nice place, near a river, I simply love this place not to mention the loft, I can not help but watch images. I would move to America


  10. După ce am citit pe pigeonsmania.com, am intrat și pe kansaswhitedoves.com. Cei doi frățiori Lowe încearcă să își lanseze o afacere cu lansări de porumbei la nunți și înmormântări, cu suportul părinților lor. Tipic american! Oricum, mișto!

  11. A nice ideea with the position… I have seen something like this in Taiwan but under the loft was a river so all the droppings were gone in a second :D I like that the sun is hiting the front and the pigeons have acces to the sun… I wish them all the Succes !! Andrei they have some devices there not jokes.. and not only them but also the oanes who are cuting those boards.

  12. foarte frumos,este bine cand vezi astfel de copii ce aleg sa se refugieze in sportul columboifil si nu in droguri,alcool samd .. se vede ca la ei exista cu totul alta educatie decat la noi: Felicitari!

  13. I’m astonished what iron wiling these kids have to finish their loft in time.Pigeons are gorgeous, not to mention their parents which are agree with their passion and help with great pleasure.I noticed that everyone participate iN loft construction(your grandad and mum).I wish you good luck with your birds and have good results with this line of white pigeons…I really love when i see this kind of images…well done.if you wanna chat here is my e-mail costy_wahad@yahoo.com,Costi alias Jo (UK).Best Regards

  14. Yes interesting post on the floor is very hard if you weight and not to clean too often it runs down. Must have cost a lot, here in Romania we forgot to do everything as cheap.
    Congratulations cherished these wonderful birds, pigeons!

  15. Congratulations Todd Lowe :)

    You have two kids whit special gifts. They do a great job.
    The loft is wonderful!
    Be happy and buy them pigeons :)

    Good luck in the future.

    Best regards,

  16. Good construction materials, very good tools, good work, nice loft.
    Only one question: Where the pigeons will make theirs nests?

  17. Nice …. i construct a box when i have 12 years :) it’s very funny :D and this is my project at english :))

  18. Asa as vrea si eu o voliera.eu tin porumbeii in pod.

  19. Am si eu porumbei si bag la zboruri dar nu tin din astia albii astia nu sunt porumbei de bagat la zboruri:X


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