Am primit mesajul de mai jos de la Elena din Spania. Cunoasteti seria 0568639-2013?
I don’t know if you can help me with this ring. I have looked for an address about doves in Romania. A friend of mine found this ring about 2 weeks ago on the bones remains of a bird in Avenida de los Planetas 25. Parla. Madrid. Spain.
Coordinates 40°13’27.66″ N 3°45’21.34″ OI think it belongs to a romana dove. May I know its history life, please? I mean, the place and date where it was ringed.
These is the number on the ring: 0568639 2013
Best wishes
Porumbelul este din judetul Alba.
Mesaros Nistor are seria asta. Posibil sa fie al lui. Are serii si mai mari si mai mici de seria asta din Spania
În Madrid sunt o grămadă de columbofili români care au adus porumbei sau inele de România cu care ulterior au inelat pui născuți în Spania
Thank you very much for the information. So we don’t know the pigeon has been ringed in Spain or in Romania.
Hello! In my opinion,it was ringed in Ro but,there are 2 options: – the pigeon was given to somebody in Spain and raced there,or the pigeon was raced in Ro, got lost ,and found his death in Spain
I think the first one, it’s more accurate
Hello Fisher, as you say It must be the first option. Thank you.
sunt foarte trist si descurajat, dupa ce am citit lincul…acum chiar nu-mi mai astept favoritul meu de la Barselona, lansare 2017, au trecut multi ani , eu inca speram sal vad ac…, dar acum gata-chiar am cedat!
, un inceput de saptamina minunat tuturor!
I’m very sad and discouraged, after reading the link… now I really can’t wait for my favorite from Barselona, released in 2017, many years have passed, I was still hoping to see it… but now I’m done – I’ve given up!
, a wonderful start to the week everyone!